Tag Archives: how to remove tan

Homemade Face pack to try for

Hello Style Bunnies!

I have got regular working hours for 2 weeks so I’m kinda enjoying that and last night i had super fun and drinks with my friends. Hope all the style bunnies out there having super Sunday 🙂

When I do not have anything to do or want to pamper me with something good for my skin or i having tan or pimple issues I always run for home-made face pack. This give me assurance that natural ingredients do not result into more skin issues and Its fun to make face pack and applying them. Sharing few face pack recipes with all the beauties out there. I do not use all these pack or have tried on my skin but some of them yes. Also I’m going to share under eye mask recipe too if you really want to put more efforts to get rid of dark circles and trust me I don’t apply any eye mask. Its not that I do not need them its because I just don’t.

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Face pack to retain skin natural moisture  and super best for Dry Skin.

Mix equal amounts of honey, smashed banana and milk powder together and apply this pack on face and neck. Wash it off after 10 minutes  with cold regular water.

Face pack for blemishes and open pores issues.

Mix gram flour and cucumber juice and apply this pack for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold regular water. This pack reduce blemishes and also tightens pores. It work wonder if you try at least once a week. Not recommended as daily face pack.

Face pack to remove  Dark Spot.

Mix  smashed papaya, milk powder and honey together and apply this pack for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold regular water.  Papaya extract work great in removing dark spot.

Face Pack  for Skin Whitening.

Mix milk powder with lemon juice and honey and apply this pack for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold regular water. For effective result try atleast thrice a week.

Face Pack  for removing tan and skin whitening.

Mix gram flour with turmeric powder and milk and apply this pack for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold regular water. This is my favorite pack and this leave your skin sometime dry thats normal apply some moisturizer. If you have dry skin just apply this pack once or twice a week. its very effective for De-tanning and skin whitening.

Trick to rejuvenate your skin.

Rub ice cube on your face atleast for 4mins and wipe with clean towel but make sure you are doing this after face wash. Ice cubes constrict your pores and work wonder on your skin.

Eye mask for Dark Circle.
Beat one egg white and apply under your eye. It get dry after 15 minutes then wash it off with cold regular water. Egg white tighten the pores which will reduce puffiness and also improve the circulation around the eye area which will result no dark circle. You need to apply atleast thrice a week along with 6 hours of sleep everyday.

Massage with few drops of coconut oil around the eyes for 5 – 7 minutes and then wash it off with cold regular water. For  results you have to do this everyday along with atleast 6 hours of sleep without any miss.

Disclaimer I’m not a skin specialist or beauty expert this is what I have been seeing me and my friends using to fix and pamper their skin. Since the ingredients  are natural and you are going to make them it is not necessary that it will suit your skin and give 100% result. As skin differ from person to person. I or fashiondrogue not responsible for any kind of good or bad experience of anybody.